Wels, Schlachthof

April 27, 2013, midnight

It was a Saturday, a great day to come home… Fabian, mathias, Birgit (mathias’ lovely company)  and I met at 14:15 at the trainstation. Mr. Pingu was with us on board… The rest of our crew was driving by car with Martin Vetters who came along to make us sound real goooood. I was excited to play at home and after a little while on the westbahn we arrived in my hometown. My dad picked us up and brought us to the Hotel Greif. I know it sounds a little weird to come home and sleep in a hotel but I had the feeling that it was important for me to stay with the band. When I’m home, I’m home doing nothing but this time it was different, I was playing at the Schlachthof. Schlachthof is such a great place and it has been a place for young people to meet and get in touch with different kinds of music as well as arts and artists ever since.

When I was growing up it had a huge influence on me…the people I met there, the parties I’ve been to, the time I spent there…I still have so many memories connected with this great and unique place! We arrived there at 5 to soundcheck and after that we had dinner backstage. Sonja took care of us in a way that I believe you can only find in Wels. Wonderful vegetables, baked potatoes, chicken with Thymian, different salads and cakes, it was so good, that I stopped being nervous while eating. Thank you Sonja! At 20:30 our concert started and we had a great time. Thank you to everybody and of course Wolfgang Wasserbauer. It meant so much to me that so many people cared and came out to listen.

mathias’ daughter Naima came to Wels too and without her I wouldn’t have been able to finally make a picture of  the audience during the show and to dance in my Dirndl. She helped me out of my dress and in my dirndl, I think we made it in 1min and 40 sec.!!!Thank you Naima! After the concert I was enjoying the Schlachthof, drinking a beer, talking to people I haven’t seen in some time and still wearing my Dirndl. We got stuck sitting outside enjoying the warm night at the Stadtplatz in Wels. I went to bed tired and relieved and found myself woken by my phone way to early couple of hours later. My mum picked us up at the Greif and brought us to the trainstation and off we went to Zurich.
Hoamatland, Hoamatland…

Yours (Dei) Lia!