„My Poet’s Love“ at Freiraum in St.Pölten – Jazz im Hof 2015!Thank you Caroline Berchotteau for inviting us once more and giving us the chance to play our new album at Jazz im Hof (and also for picking us up from the train station). Thomas Egger, our one - man backline and sound engineer took care of getting our set up to St.Pölten in time – as well as Hans and Ingrid - I took care of Mr. Streets bass myself, as he personally trained me how to carry his bass ladies.
We had a lot of time and it was an easy-going and relaxed soundcheck. The lighting on stage was especially beautiful!Herwig Gradischnig was our soloist that night - thank you for your music, Hank!!!After only two concerts together, I feel like you know me so very well : )!
We found out that mathias supposedly is holding a special record in summer sledge riding – since when and how and why...I really don’t know...it seemed like an urban legend though that might as well be true!Anyways, we started round 19:30 and we had a great set due to the wonderful sound on stage! Thank you to everyone who came out and listened to what we had to say.
After our set Raphael Wressnig and his band got on stage and turned the room upside down with their funky funky bluesy groovy soul jazz.
Ingrid showed me a great way of clapping and that’s what we did...including a little dance routine : )!When Ingrid, Hans and Thomas left, I tried to stop them with the most dramatic gesture I could think of, but it was too late : )!We made a date though, that I will not forget!!!
mathias’ charming friend Isolde got us to the trainstation and soon we found ourselves back in Vienna at Amerling...getting tea and beer...reflecting on our performance and talking about life, love and music.
„If you could ask Bill Evans one question, what would it be?“
Yours Lia!