Trainride… I can’t get enough… Fabian, mathias and I back on the train. Hans, Ingrid and Martin back on the road. I have to admit that I was sleeping most of the time and in between mathias tried to find out where the children’s cabin was because he kept referring to Fab and me as children. But I think he was more dissapointed than us to find out that the children’s cabin’s cinema didn’t work that day. We had a good time including good laughs, at this point I have to mention two things. First ...
The Event:
Zürich (CH), Moods
It was a Saturday, a great day to come home… Fabian, mathias, Birgit (mathias’ lovely company) and I met at 14:15 at the trainstation. Mr. Pingu was with us on board… The rest of our crew was driving by car with Martin Vetters who came along to make us sound real goooood. I was excited to play at home and after a little while on the westbahn we arrived in my hometown. My dad picked us up and brought us to the Hotel Greif. I know it sounds a little weird to come home and sleep in a hotel ...
The Event:
Wels (A), Alter Schlachthof
Without my wake up call I’m pretty sure I would have missed the amazing breakfast at the Scandia Grand Central. Still tired but well fed we were picked up again and taken to the trainstation in Stockholm and after walking around trying to find our hidden platform we found the right train and the right seats at the right time.Travelling by train gives you the perfect reason to just hang, looking out of the window, snacking, sleeping, chatting…these are a few of my favourite things! During our three hours trainride we only got in a fight once ...
The Event:
Göteborg (SE), Nefertiti
We started at 04:00 in the morning, I don’t need to tell you, that this is very early in the morning. Not too be awake but to actually get up and get dressed. It was pitch-black outside when I was walking to Ingrids place, where our taxi was waiting to take us to Westbahnstraße to meet with the rest of the band. From there we went to the airport and around 06:30 we were still asleep but also up in the air and on our way to Stockholm.
Stockholm is beautiful and I missed Sweden, it ...
The Event:
Stockholm (SE), Fasching